5 Evergreen Shrubs that Bring Color to Your Space All Year Round


It’s that time of year where trees are shedding their leaves and as beautiful as the fall colors are, it’s pretty devastating to know you will have bare trees the rest of the year. Do not worry! We are here to share some evergreen shrubs that will bring vibrancy to your landscape during those winter months that are often colorless. Let’s get into it —


01. Sweet tea gardenia

This evergreen shrub is dense with greenery year round. A plus are the stunning white florals that bloom from summer to fall. This one tends to be low maintenance and is a great pollinator. In our opinion, you can’t fo wrong with this evergreen—it’s simply gorgeous in all seasons.


02. holly trees

The Holly shrubs and trees are mostly all beautiful evergreens that never fail to give us all some Christmas cheer. The red berries of the ‘Blue Princess’ Holly is one of the most popular, and what most think of when they imagine this species. The Winterberry is another that gives off beautiful red berries and green foliage during bare winter seasons.


03. dwarf yucca

For most landscapes, the Dwarf Yucca is a great ornamental grass option. It’s sturdy and consistent in appearance, you will enjoy it’s desert charm all year round, and will admire the character and interest it will bring your yard. If you’re in a colder climate, it’s best to pot it in a container so it can be moved around when needed to ensure it receives the sunlight it requires.


04. english lavender

Having lavender in your yard is simply magical for an array of reasons. It attracts pollinators, offers many medicinal properties, gives your yard stunning color, smells AMAZING, and is pretty weather tolerant. When fall and winter time come around, it still delivers a beautiful sage color once the dreamy purple is gone for the season. What’s not to love?


05. boxwood shrubs

Boxwoods have been a popular evergreen shrub for many, many years. They look stunning growing on their own in hedge form, but also just as eye-catching grown in a pots and containers (as pictured). Best part is that they are deer resistant! So not only do they give you beautiful greenery year round, they make sure some animal friends stay away from your yard.